The “Partner With You" 3-Month Online Wellness Mastery Program

Join our 3-Month ultra all-inclusive program to help you achieve optimal physical and personal wellness. This program empowers you and provides the necessary tools to reach your goals. This will give you a roadmap on a weekly basis to combat chronic diseases naturally and provide you with the keys to unlock optimal health and happiness. When you enroll, you get:

  • Coaching & Consulting

    1- Comprehensive Health Assessment. 1-1hr. Health & Wellness Consultation Call w/ Live Q&A and a video archive ($200 Value). 3-month phone and email access for Q & A client service ($1000 Value).

  • Products & Plan of Care

    3-month supply of herbs & supplements for your program ($1000 Value). The Wellness Mastery Program Instructional Manual ($97 Value). Access to

  • Training & Community

    On-Demand Wellness Training Videos ($497 Value). Access to our Accountability Community Group ($347 Value).

Coaching Curriculum

    1. Comperhensive Health & Wellness Consultation

    1. Creating Wellness Plans

    2. Organizing Your Routine

    3. Adaptability

    1. Intro to Naturopathy

    2. Optimal Sleep Rejuvenation

    3. Optimal Physical Fitness

    4. Optimal Mental/Spiritual Growth and Development

    1. The Standard American Diet & Nutrition

    2. Whole Food Nutrition

    3. Raw Food Nutrient

    1. Goal Setting

    2. Tracking Progress

    3. Reaching Your Goals

    1. Self-Care

    2. Health & Wellness Coaching Session

    3. Creating Action Plans

About this coaching program

  • $3,699.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today!